Your teacher is there to help!

Listen, I get it! School can be hard! I remember one time when I was in first grade, there was this one math problem that I just couldn’t figure out! No matter what I tried, I could not get the answer! I’m sure we have all felt that way at some point right? And sometimes that happens – you aren’t going to be able to figure everything out on your own. You might need some help every once in a while! And do you know who the best person to go to is when you have a problem? Your teacher!

just ask your teacher!

That’s right, your teacher is one of the best people to go to if you need help with something! They can help you with math, science, english and all that “school stuff”. But, they can also help you with bigger things like, when you get in a fight with a friend or when you have a case of the grumpies! No matter what, your teacher is there to help! So ask! Your teacher can’t help you if you never ask them. Now, I know that might be scary sometimes because your teacher is soooo smart and sooo cool! You might think that they won’t help you or worse, they’ll make fun of you for asking! But trust me, they WON’T do that! Your teacher wants the best for you and they will do whatever it takes to help you out!

Here’s how to ask

But there is a certain way to ask your teachers to help you. You can’t just barge in and say “teacher, stop what you’re doing and help me with this now!” That would be mean! And being mean is never ok. So when you need help with something: Walk up to your teacher and nicely ask: “Can you help me now?” If they say no, then ask when a good time is for you to come back. But, if they say yes, then tell them the problem you are having without getting grumpy or angry. Then listen closely so you understand what your teacher is saying. And don’t be afraid to ask more questions if you still need help! Your teacher wants to make sure you understand before they send you off! But once you do understand, make sure to say “thank you” and maybe throw in a “you’re the best teacher ever” too just to make sure they know how awesome they are!

And there you have it! Don’t be afraid to talk to your teachers, because teachers can help!

  1. Initial reactions to this topic? What jumped out at you?
  2. What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever done?
  3. Has your teacher ever helped you with something? What happened?
  4. Why is it important to ask for help? What can happen if you don’t?
  5. Is there a step you need to take based on today’s topic?